The noble snack...
The "Speyside Smokehouse" is situated on the banks of the River Spey in the Scottish Highlands. Freshly caught Scottish salmon to go... cut into bite-sized pieces and marinated overnight in a delicately-flavoured sauce made from herbs and spices; to finish off, it is carefully spread across a grill and gently smoked over beechwood. A one-of-a-kind snack made using an authentic, handcrafted technique for true gourmet connoisseurs.
Scottish salmon to go...
1 bag contains 30g
£3.99 100g=£13.30
£45.95 (Package with 12 bags à £3.83) 100g=£12.76
In Stock
Delivery: 1-3 working days
The noble snack...
The "Speyside Smokehouse" is situated on the banks of the River Spey in the Scottish Highlands. Freshly caught Scottish salmon to go... cut into bite-sized pieces and marinated overnight in a delicately-flavoured sauce made from herbs and spices; to finish off, it is carefully spread across a grill and gently smoked over beechwood. A one-of-a-kind snack made using an authentic, handcrafted technique for true gourmet connoisseurs.
Scottish salmon to go...
1 bag contains 30g
£3.99 100g=£13.30
£45.95 (Package with 12 bags à £3.83) 100g=£12.76
In Stock
Delivery: 1-3 working days